Senior Markets Economist
Joe Seydl conducts macroeconomic analysis and financial market research as a Senior Markets Economist at J.P. Morgan Private Bank. His research supports the firm’s longer-term views and influences client portfolio positioning. Mr. Seydl is particularly knowledgeable regarding monetary policy, international trade and labor market dynamics.
Mr. Seydl joined J.P. Morgan in 2015, after working as an Economist at Citigroup under the firm’s Chief Global Economist. There, he was responsible for researching topics such as growth and investment trends in advanced economies, and trade linkages in emerging markets. His research was cited by media outlets and academic organizations; and was noted at the American Economic Association’s Annual Meeting. Prior to Citigroup, he served as an Economic Research Analyst at Wells Fargo.
Mr. Seydl holds a master’s degree jointly in Economics and Philosophy from the London School of Economics. He also has a bachelor’s degree, summa cum laude, in Mathematics and Economics from Lehigh University. His original research has been published in several peer-reviewed academic journals, including Business Economics, Economics Letters and the Journal of Post Keynesian Economics. Mr. Seydl also guest lectures a course at Princeton University on macroeconomics and global affairs, under the guidance of Professor Ethan Kapstein.
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