Practice Lead, U.S. Wealth Advisory
Jordan Sprechman is a Vice Chairman at J.P. Morgan Private Bank. Mr. Sprechman, the Practice Lead for U.S. Wealth Advisory, also covers the New York metropolitan region. He works with clients of the Private Bank and their advisors to develop and implement estate planning and wealth transfer strategies for those clients. Prior to joining the firm in 1993, Mr. Sprechman spent six years in private law practice, specializing in estates and trusts. A member of both the New York and New Jersey Bars, he was associated with the New York firm of Gilbert, Segall and Young, and Shanley & Fisher of Morristown, New Jersey.
Mr. Sprechman is a graduate of Columbia College (B.A. 1983) and Columbia Law School (J.D. 1986), and received a Master of Laws in Taxation from the New York University School of Law in 1995. In 2020, he joined Columbia University’s School of Professional Studies as an instructor, teaching a class in Tax Planning to students pursuing a master’s degree in Wealth Management. A frequent lecturer on estate planning and charitable giving, Mr. Sprechman was also the secretary and a trustee of the New York Sports Museum & Hall of Fame, and the co-author of This Day in New York Sports. He is also an official scorer for Major League Baseball and, as a longtime member of the Baseball Writers Association of New York, a voter for the Baseball Hall of Fame.
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JPMorgan Chase Bank, N.A. e le sue consociate (collettivamente “JPMCB”) offrono prodotti d’investimento che possono includere conti gestiti dalla banca e servizi di custodia, nell’ambito dei propri servizi fiduciari e di amministrazione. Altri prodotti e servizi d’investimento, come brokeraggio e consulenza, sono offerti tramite J.P. Morgan Securities LLC (“JPMS”), membro di FINRA e SIPC. I prodotti assicurativi vengono offerti tramite Chase Insurance Agency, Inc. (CIA), un’agenzia assicurativa autorizzata, che opera come Chase Insurance Agency Services, Inc. in Florida. JPMCB, JPMS e CIA sono società affiliate sotto il controllo comune di JPMorgan Chase & Co. I prodotti non sono disponibili in tutti gli Stati. Si raccomanda di leggere le Avvertenze legali unitamente a queste pagine.