Head of Sustainable Investing, US Private Bank
Preeti is the Head of Sustainable Investing for J.P. Morgan’s US Private Bank. In this role, she works with advisors and their clients to incorporate sustainability into their investment portfolios, develops thought leadership, and works with portfolio managers and due diligence colleagues to expand the Private Bank’s sustainable investing platform.
Preeti has over a decade of experience stewarding Sustainable Investments across asset classes and return profiles. Prior to JP Morgan, Preeti worked on post-investment engagement at Calvert Research & Management. Before that, she served as a Vice President of Integrated Capitals at the F.B. Heron Foundation, working to better align the foundation’s endowment with its mission, informing Heron’s long-term strategic direction, and helping to steward its investments across asset classes. Preeti has also served as the assistant director for the Heilbronn Center for Graham & Dodd Investing and a research associate at the Council on Foreign Relations, where she reported on global issues that included the global financial crisis and climate change. Preeti earned a B.A. from Columbia University and an MBA from Columbia Business School.
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JPMorgan Chase Bank, N.A. e le sue consociate (collettivamente “JPMCB”) offrono prodotti d’investimento che possono includere conti gestiti dalla banca e servizi di custodia, nell’ambito dei propri servizi fiduciari e di amministrazione. Altri prodotti e servizi d’investimento, come brokeraggio e consulenza, sono offerti tramite J.P. Morgan Securities LLC (“JPMS”), membro di FINRA e SIPC. I prodotti assicurativi vengono offerti tramite Chase Insurance Agency, Inc. (CIA), un’agenzia assicurativa autorizzata, che opera come Chase Insurance Agency Services, Inc. in Florida. JPMCB, JPMS e CIA sono società affiliate sotto il controllo comune di JPMorgan Chase & Co. I prodotti non sono disponibili in tutti gli Stati. Si raccomanda di leggere le Avvertenze legali unitamente a queste pagine.