Managing Director Head of Global Investment Opportunities Group
Monica DiCenso is a Managing Director and Head of the Global Investment Opportunities (GIO) Group at J.P. Morgan Private Bank. As a senior leader of the firm, Monica sets the strategic direction for a team of 50-plus Investment Specialists who advise the firm’s largest and most sophisticated clients, including ultra-high-net-worth individuals, family offices and financial professionals. The GIO Group delivers cross-asset class management for complex investment requirements and opportunistic strategies. They are a highly specialized team drawn from the intellectual strength of J.P. Morgan, designed to serve a global client base and offer institutional-caliber coverage.
Throughout two decades immersed in equities and financial markets through various economic cycles, Monica has earned a reputation in the professional community as a specialist in this space. She has been featured on CNBC, Bloomberg and other televised business programs, and in various newspapers and trade publications discussing her views on equity investing and market positioning. Monica’s background comprises both the institutional lens of investment banking and exposure to the breadth of wealth management resources at the Private Bank.
Before joining GIO in 2015, Monica was the Head of U.S. Equity Strategy at J.P. Morgan Global Wealth Management, where she led a team of strategists to identify equity ideas, thematic brokerage options trades and single stock selections for the firm’s recommended trading lists. She joined the Private Bank in 2012 from the Investment Bank, where she served as an Equity Research Analyst on a top Institutional Investor–ranked team. Previously, she worked as an auditor at PricewaterhouseCoopers.
Monica graduated from Georgetown University with a B.S. in Accounting and a concentration in Economics. She is a Certified Public Accountant in New York State. Her philanthropic interests are centered on educating young women as they contemplate a career in finance and math, and empowering female clients to ensure their voices are heard.
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