Global Market Strategist
Julia Wang is an Executive Director and Global Market Strategist of J.P. Morgan Private Bank in Asia. Based in Hong Kong, she is responsible for formulating and communicating the Private Bank’s views on financial markets and economies in Asia, and especially macro-economic development and policies in China.
Prior to joining J.P. Morgan, Ms. Wang was Senior Economist for Greater China at HSBC’s Global Banking & Markets division, covering economies of mainland China, Hong Kong and Taiwan. She was responsible for developing views on economic development and macro policies, as well as communicating them to institutional investors and corporates.
She was also a key author in several thematic publications while at HSBC, including on China’s potential growth, the RMB, and China’s influence on emerging markets and the global economy. Ms. Wang also has a specialized interest in monetary policy and has developed an indicator for monetary conditions in China.
Ms. Wang holds a Master Degree in Economics from University College London, and a Bachelor degree in Philosophy, Politics and Economics from Oxford University. She is fluent in Mandarin and English.
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