Head of Impact Investing
Carlotta Saporito is the Head of Impact Investing within the Private Investments Due Diligence Team at J.P. Morgan Private Bank. Carlotta has more than 13 years of experience in impact investing, with a core dual mandate of generating financial returns alongside positive social and/or environmental outcomes. Her prior investment career has primarily focused on emerging markets, specifically across the African continent, South Asia and Latin America through select fund investments, co-investments and portfolio management responsibilities.
Before joining the firm in 2022, Carlotta worked at British International Investments (BII, formerly known as CDC Group), where she was a Director and Head of Fund Solutions. Prior to this role, she was an Investment Director on BII’s Intermediated Equity Team.
Before BII, Carlotta worked at the African Development Bank, where she invested in fund managers across Africa and developed some of the first blended finance structures to mobilize capital into the continent at scale.
Carlotta began her career at the World Bank and International Finance Corporation in Washington, DC. In this role, she worked with governments in South Asia (Nepal, Pakistan and Sri Lanka) and Africa (Ghana and Malawi) on Financial Sector Development programs and projects, including as part of the joint World Bank-International Monetary Fund Financial Sector Assessment Program (FSAP). She also co-authored a book on South Asian bond market development based on her field research.
Carlotta holds an M.A. (Hons) from the University of St Andrews in Scotland, and an M.A. from Johns Hopkins University—School of Advanced International Affairs.
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