U.S. Head, The Philanthropy Centre
Jamie Hackleman, Executive Director, serves as the U.S. Head of The Philanthropy Centre at J.P. Morgan Private Bank. The Philanthropy Centre provides clients with insights and services to help meet their financial and philanthropic goals through innovative advice, thought leadership, and learning opportunities.
Jamie has over 15 years of experience in non-profits, foundations and family offices. Prior to J.P. Morgan, Jamie worked with Paul G. Allen’s philanthropy team at Vulcan where she focused on identifying, building, and managing high impact partnerships. Before Vulcan, Jamie was at the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation where she served in multiple roles, including managing partnerships with philanthropists who co-funded projects with the foundation, and as a special assistant to the president of the Global Policy & Advocacy division. She has also worked at PATH, Save the Children UK, and was a Fulbright Scholar in Indonesia.
Jamie received a MSc in International Health Policy from the London School of Economics and a BA in Political Science from Pacific Lutheran University.
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