Explore investment opportunities with Screener
Stock Screener lets you search stocks for investment opportunities by filtering based on sectors, market capitalisation and more via the J.P. Morgan Online International (JPOI) website and mobile app.
*For eligible clients only
Who is eligible?
To be eligible to use this service, you must:
- Have a Self-Directed Investment (SDI) account with us;
- Reside in a country where this service is offered (excludes Switzerland).
To find out if you are eligible, please reach out to your J.P. Morgan team.
Here’s how to get started on web:
3. Review the list of results and scroll to the right to see more data points.
4. Click on 'Edit column' in the results panel to customise the columns of the data points presented.
5. Click the ‘Refresh’ icon above the results panel to refresh the data points. You will also see when the last refresh was.
6. Click on ‘Definition of terms’ to see the description of the data points used.
7. Click on the ‘3-dot’ icon next to the stock symbol and you will have the option to 'Trade'*, 'Add to watchlist' and 'Create alert'.
2. Search stocks by sectors and choose the exchanges preferred. The filters will be pre-populated with your selections below. You can save the screen or continue to add more filters to narrow down the results.
Here’s how to get started on mobile:
2. Set your filters and click “Show xx results”. You can also use ‘Advanced filters’.
3. Review the list of results and scroll down to see more data points. Click on any symbol to see the stock details on the quote screen.
4. To customise the data columns in the results, click on the ‘Sort’ icon. Please note that ‘Last price’ and ‘Price change –Intraday’ are the sorting data points by default.
2. Input a name on the ‘Save screen’ page and click ‘Save’. See the toast notification for confirmation that the screen has been saved.
3. Recently saved screens will appear at the top of the landing page. You can manage your saved screens by clicking on ‘All screens’.
2. Select the top 10 Market movers results (Most active, top gainers or top losers) and exchanges according to your preference. Click “See all results” to see all market mover results.
3. See the complete list of results based on the market movers you have selected. You can save the screen or continue to add more filters to narrow down the results.
2. Stock results will be presented according to the sector. The 'Sector' and 'Exchange' filters will be pre-populated based on what you have selected.
3. You can save the screen or continue to add more filters to narrow down the results.
Frequently asked questions
On mobile, you can click on the “Sort” icon on the results page and select the sorting data points you would like to see. The number data points available on mobile is limited as compared to web because of the screen size differences.
On mobile, you can refresh the data points in the results panel by pulling down the results page.
On mobile, the description of filters can be found in the ‘Definition of terms’ entry point at the bottom of the landing page and on the filter page.