Latin American Countries Disclaimers
Important Information
As per your request we are sending you a description of the product. This is not an offer and therefore, you may not accept it by responding to this email/post.
The following material is intended for the addressee only; it should not be forwarded to third parties. The materials are private and confidential and are being sent to the addressee upon request and for his/her exclusive use. The materials are being distributed for informational purposes only and do not (and are not intended to) constitute an offer, sale or recommendation to any person with respect to any security. The products mentioned herein are not being offered or sold publicly in Brazil and will not be registered with the Brazilian Securities and Exchange Commission (CVM). Documents relating to the securities and its offering, as well as the information contained herein and therein may not be supplied to the public as a public offering in Brazil or be used in connection with any offer for subscription or sale to the public in Brazil.
Dominican Republic
As per your request we are sending you a description of the product. This is not an offer and therefore, you may not accept it by responding to this email. You confirm that this information has not been requested as the result of any advertisements/communications initiated by JPMorgan Private Bank and received by you while you have been in the Dominican Republic. You further understand that neither JPMorgan Private Bank, nor the securities, products and services described herein, are registered (or intended to be registered) in the Dominican Republic and therefore are not secured or supervised by local authorities.
As per your request we are sending you a description of the product. This is not an offer and therefore, you may not accept it by responding to this email.
This security is offered via private placement rules, and it is not registered before the Comisión Nacional de Valores (CNV). The CNV has not reviewed the information provided to the investor. This information is for the exclusive use of the investor and it cannot be publicly distributed. It is the investor’s duty to check all relevant information about the issuer.
The Securities have not been registered before the Superintendencia del Mercado de Valores (SMV) and are being placed by means of a private offer. SMV has not reviewed the information provided to the investor. This communication and any included materials are only for the exclusive use of institutional investors in Peru and is not for public distribution.
Securities and other financial instruments offered to you are or will be placed in Uruguay relying on a private placement exemption (“oferta privada”) pursuant to Section 2 of Law N° 18,627. Securities and other financial instruments offered to you are not and will not be registered with the Financial Services Superintendence of the Central Bank of Uruguay to be publicly offered in Uruguay and are not investment funds regulated by Uruguayan law 16,774 dated September 27, 1996, as amended.
As per your request we are sending you a description of the product. This is not an offer and therefore, you may not accept it by responding to this email.